Sharing the Love

2017 February, Sharing the Love.jpg

My 22-year-old daughter, Kaya, is a 4th year student at Quest University Canada, a small liberal arts school in British Columbia. This student-driven school operates on the block system which means that students take one class at a time. That offers opportunities for off campus study. In fact off campus study is one requirement and Kaya chose to spend one block here in my studio, working with a mentor at Quest and a local advisor. She took clay art years ago in high school but approached the material this time as a scientific study to research how clay turns to stone. A couple Alaskan clay samples are now back at Quest with Kaya to undergo chemical analysis to help her understand the changes that occurred during wood firing. Next, Kaya will focus on that analysis and continue her research throughout the rest of the semester. I’m a proud mother and so happy I got to spend the last three and a half weeks working alongside my competent, energetic daughter!

I’m feeling way more positive toward this kiln than I did during the first firing. I am learning! and was dog tired after firing, but felt content. Relieved we’d met Kaya’s deadline, I got to sleep in the next morning. The overnight firing was brightened by snow lanterns my husband made and warmed by hot food he prepared and brought us at 2am...both gifts from the heart.


Foot Wedging


Drawings Populate Studio Walls